Prenatal and Postpartum Trauma Treatment
Trauma can take many forms, and it can profoundly affect your life in many different ways. The nature of trauma is such that you may be suffering from its effects without being aware of their origin. Here at our postpartum depression treatment center, we provide pregnant and postpartum women who are suffering from trauma the help that they need.

Traumatic Birth
Traumatic birth is loosely defined. There is no single experience — or set of experiences — that characterize a traumatic birth. That’s because, like any experience in life, what is traumatic for one person may not be traumatic for the next.
The act of growing another life inside of you and then pushing it out of your body where it breathes and begins life on its own can certainly be considered traumatic, although many people view it as natural. In fact, many experiences can be both natural and traumatic.
When you consider all the nuances and the individual experiences of giving birth, it is fair to conclude that each time a woman gives birth, it is a type of trauma. The hours of pain, the worry that something may go wrong, the recovery process — all are fraught with tiny, but sometimes painful, details. Our brains don’t even allow us to consciously remember all these details. Yet the damage may remain. You may feel sadness, hopelessness, fear, despondency or anger and not be able to put your finger on why.
The therapists at our postpartum recovery center can help.
Postpartum Treatment Center
Several of our therapists are trained in EMDR therapy, which is targeted to patients who have suffered traumatic experiences. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. The science behind it says that this therapy allows patients to access their buried traumatic memories, confront them, and deal with them so that they do not continue to cause harm. EMDR relieves the stress of these traumatic memories so that the patient, whether conscious of the memories or not, is no longer triggered by them, because they have been rendered inert.
EMDR is considered a breakthrough therapy because it enables quick healing that, with traditional methods of psychotherapy, can take years to achieve.
The Best in Postpartum Care
At our PPD treatment center, we foster an environment not just of acceptance, safety and understanding, but also empowerment and strength. Our patients are women who are strong enough to have grown a new life inside of them and brought it safely into the world. That kind of strength is to be not just respected, but lauded.
We know our patients are not feeling strong when they come to us. Part of our job is to help you see how even though you don’t feel strong today, that doesn’t mean you aren’t strong. It means you’re tired and you’re suffering, which is to be expected after such a tremendous experience as childbirth.
Contact Us Today
Our job is not to deliver you from your suffering the way you delivered your baby; rather, it’s to show you how to use the tools that are available to you so that you can take steps to relieve your own suffering. We’re experts in trauma, postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, and postpartum OCD, and we can help you feel well again. Call us today.
How Common is Prenatal Depression?
According to the The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), between 14-23% of women will struggle with some symptoms of depression during pregnancy.
What Does Treatment for Prenatal Depression Look Like?
Many to-be-mothers are concerned about asking for help for prenatal depression symptoms because they are nervous the immediate prescription will be medication, and they may be concerned about medication impacting the baby.
However, without treatment, the symptoms of prenatal depression can progress, increasing in seriousness or extending after childbirth, which can impact the development of the child. Prenatal depression can also impact the mother’s or child’s health during pregnancy as those suffering from prenatal depression symptoms may not take the steps necessary for a healthy pregnancy.
Medication is not the first or only course of treatment for prenatal depression. For mild to moderate prenatal depression, many health care providers choose to use treatment such as talk therapy and support groups. However, in the case of extreme prenatal depression, it’s important to weight the potential impact of medication to the benefits of the treatment.
Prenatal depression is very treatable, and to-be mothers can begin seeing relief from symptoms in as soon as two weeks. For more information about our prenatal depression treatment program, please call us at 801-984-0184 or send us a message by clicking Contact Us below.
Treatments for prenatal depression may include any combination of:
- Talk Therapy
- Support Groups
- Couples Counseling
- Self-Care
- Medication (only when needed)
Prenatal Depression is Treatable – Start Your Recovery Now