Prenatal or Postpartum OCD Treatment Programs
OCD, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, used to be classified as an anxiety disorder. While there are some overlapping characteristics of these two categories, OCD has its own particular set of symptoms. More specifically, perinatal OCD is OCD that has been brought on by pregnancy or motherhood and frequently manifests as obsessions and compulsions related to the baby. At our postpartum anxiety recovery center, we treat pregnant women and new mothers with perinatal OCD, helping them to control their compulsions and take back their lives.

Perinatal OCD Explained
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is characterized by having a set of unwanted, intrusive thoughts that are difficult to control. People who suffer from these obsessions are then often compelled to perform a ritual in order to cope with the discomfort of having the thought.
With perinatal OCD, the obsessive thoughts are often about the baby. You may think about your baby getting sick or injured. You may not be able to take the baby out in the stroller or the car because of your fear of being in an accident. You may feel compelled to check on your baby literally every few minutes to make sure they are OK. You might think about accidentally dropping the baby, or even hurting the baby on purpose, though you don’t want to.
While these thoughts may feel disturbing, they are all common intrusive thoughts, and rarely does anyone ever act on them.
Some common compulsions mothers use to cope with the obsessions include excessive cleaning and hand-washing, not allowing others to come into contact with the baby, and the inability to leave the house for fear of contamination. These compulsions can be seriously limiting and pose difficulties for other family members.
Postpartum OCD Treatment
At our postpartum recovery center, we help mothers and mothers-to-be who are suffering from OCD. Our trained therapists teach you coping mechanisms to help you learn how to not react to your obsessive thoughts and to resist performing compulsions.
With OCD, medications can be particularly helpful, especially at controlling intrusive thoughts. When the obsession is gone, the compulsion is then no longer necessary. Medication can also help to better regulate mood and sleep patterns. Coupled with cognitive behavioral therapy, it is possible to make significant progress in recovering from postpartum OCD.
Postpartum Anxiety Recovery Center
Postpartum OCD can be debilitating. We see this condition all the time, and we understand what you’re going through. At our postpartum treatment center, we help you by giving you the tools you need to recover.
With patience and practice, you will learn to master the skills you need to heal. Your time will be your own again, you’ll be able to do laundry, go for a walk, nurse your baby, and do a thousand other things without the company of unwanted thoughts.
At our postpartum anxiety treatment center, we offer those with postpartum OCD hope by showing you a pathway to healing. Call us today to talk to a professional.
How do I know if I Have Postpartum Anxiety?
If you’re experiencing any combination of the symptoms above for longer than two weeks or if your symptoms are affecting your ability to care for your baby, yourself, or your household, you may have postpartum anxiety.
To speak with an expert about postpartum anxiety or to schedule a consultation, contact Serenity Recovery & Wellness today.
Postpartum Anxiety Recovery in Utah
This makes it even more important for Utah mothers to seek help and to find support in a group with other mothers undergoing similar challenges of postpartum anxiety.
Remember, postpartum anxiety is temporary and it is treatable. Many mothers can see relief from their symptoms in as little as two weeks. Feel relief from your symptoms and take back control of your life and happiness today.