Postpartum depression is common in new mothers, affecting as many as 1 in 5 moms. 80% of moms experience the “baby blues,” but if symptoms last 2 weeks or more or seem to get worse instead of better then a mother should talk with her healthcare provider about possible postpartum depression.

Most health care providers will use the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) to screen for postpartum depression symptoms. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression evaluation may also be taken at home for mothers seeking more information about their symptoms.

Take the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Evaluation Online Now: Quiz Below

Would you like to take the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Evaluation online? Click the blue NEXT button to begin the 10-question online evaluation. This evaluation will only take you 5 minutes or less to complete, and is a screening test typically used for postpartum depression.

Answer the questions below according to how you have felt IN THE PAST 7 DAYS–not just how you feel today.

Welcome to your Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Evaluation

Enter your email address below and click the Next button to begin your evaluation. Entering your email address will sign you up for our occasional maternal mental health email newsletter. If you prefer not to receive our newsletter, you may leave the field blank and click Next to continue.

If something doesn’t seem right, call your health care provider regardless of your score.

What is the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale?

The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is a series of ten questions about how the mother has felt over the past 7 days. The questions ask the mother to rate the frequency she has experienced a particular symptom, such as “Things have been getting to me” or “I have been so unhappy that I have had trouble sleeping.”

How is the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale Scored?

Each answer has a value that is scored and calculated. A score of 11 or higher indicates a possibility that the mother is experiencing postnatal depression symptoms. If a mother scores 11 or higher, it is recommended that she speak with her doctor or mental health provider about effective treatments that can begin helping her recover from her symptoms and return to her “normal self.”

Talk to your Health Care Provider or Mental Health Care Provider

You may also ask your health care provider or mental health care provider for the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression evaluation. If you choose to take this test at home, we recommend sharing the results with your health care professional, especially if you score 10 or above. As always, regardless of your score, if you feel something is not right with how you’re feeling or if you have concerns about depression or anxiety, please contact your health care provider.

Please note that the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale is a screening tool that does not diagnose postpartum depression or anxiety.

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